Things are finally coming together! We’ve been very, very busy prepping several exciting things which will launch on January 1st, 2024!

OUR STORE – We’ve been preparing our online store with hundreds of items from magazines, books, posters, VHS, 8mm / Super 8 films and much more! The first 5 days will only be open to our hardcore friends and followers who have signed up for our emailing list. You will be provided a special login giving you the first opportunity to view our wares. On January 6th, we will open up the store for everyone (note: at this time, we are shipping in the US only).

VIDEO ON DEMAND – Many of you have asked how you can view the 8mm / Super 8 films we are restoring from our large archive. We’ve spent nearly a year perfecting our methods and techniques to deliver the best quality transfers and restorations of the format that we possibly can (and our results continue to improve). We’ve long been disappointed in the treatment of 8mm erotica and have made it our mission to preserve the films of this format. We’ve teamed up with the best streaming sites and will announce around twenty (maybe more) of our first streaming releases. New titles will be available on a regular basis and believe us when we say there’s no shortage of material here waiting to be restored!

ULTRA FLESH ARCHIVES MAGAZINE – We will launch the first issue of our digital mini-magazine with the intention of it being a semi-regular feature at the website. We worship at the retro-altar and want to pay tribute to some of our favorite models (new and old), weird men’s magazine ads, pin-ups, original articles and more. There’s some great stuff lined up for the first few issues already. This will be a fun free feature here at the website that we know you will enjoy.

PHYSICAL MEDIA – It’s no secret that we have intentions to release some of our loop restorations and have plans for several limited-edition Blu-ray collections. It’s been a slow process as we want to be sure we are giving you the best product possible. We aren’t one to rush things! Our first planned release will be WILDHEART: The Leslie Winston Collection (cover art tentative) compiling several of her loops, transferred direct from films in our archive (ALL of our work begins with high-definition transfers of physical film). We are excited to be working directly with Leslie Winston to honor this period of her legendary career and have some incredible extras planned. There are other Golden Age star collections planned as well as themed collections (bondage, etc.). Watch our site or social media pages for info as it becomes available.

Along with all of this we are working on an authorized biography of a true legend of the Golden Age of Adult Films. These are ambitious goals for sure and there’s an endless amount of hard work ahead. The words of encouragement from many of you has been greatly appreciated.  We are very excited for what’s to come and hope that everyone will help support our efforts going forward.

Don’t forget to take pride in your porn… and see you on January 1st!