What have we been doing these last few months? Although the website isn’t updated regularly, there is constant activity here on a daily basis.

A few months ago, there were a lot of grumblings on social network about dissatisfaction with social network platforms. So we built our own here, somewhat naively thinking people would jump at the chance for an alternative… but that wasn’t the case. There were a large handful of people that signed up and participated (thank you!), but it was actually more of a burden on us than anything beneficial. We thought it would be fun, but ultimately it was a distraction from our goals. As of now, I have suspended all of those functions on the site. Maybe, it will be reactivated… time will tell.

Our significantly upgraded film transfer equipment arrived a couple months back and we have begun the slow process of digitizing our film collection. So much is involved in this as we hand clean the films, the packaging (removing any stickers, etc.), transfer the films, do color correction / image clean up as needed as well as catalog everything in our database.

Less than two weeks ago, our film collection increased by about 75% when we bought a large collection of mostly 8mm & Super 8mm films. Among the collection were also several dozen 16mm loops, shorts and full film reels as well as some 35mm trailers and shorts. It was a 15-hour day and a 750-mile drive. I filled a full-size SUV to max capacity (I could only see out the front window and barely see the passenger side mirror!) and spent about 10 or so hours generally sorting it to get an idea of what it all included. Along with this came about 500 more magazines for the archive as well. This puts us at around 4,000 films (with our continued focus being on 8mm / Super 8mm loops) and 6,500 magazines. The collection is always in a constant state of movement, organization and discovery as we work our way through it. It’s a monstrous task maintaining and archiving it all, but we are determined.

At some point, we will be announcing some special edition loop collection DVDs which will include some surprises and participation from some adult film legends. If it wasn’t busy enough, an authorized biography of a major Golden Age star is making its slow progress. Good things come to those who wait and more announcements on these down the road.

Thank you to everyone who has been showing their support and encouragement regarding what we are trying to accomplish here at Ultra Flesh Archives with your emails and social network comments. We encourage you to join our emailing list as we will make major announcements there as well as to follow our social pages, the best being Twitter which is the most active, or Instagram and Facebook.

Thanks to Kate Rambo of the SICK AND WRONG PODCAST for showing off some of her STAG SWAG in support of Ultra Flesh Archives. Our motto is “Take Pride in Your Porn” and we love seeing others who feel the same.

  • Now, back to archiving…